
'Excellence is a habit; not a gift...'

Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning (DLRL) Summer School 2020

Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning (DLRL) Summer School 2020 This year, I was 1 of the 300 participants selected from around the globe for the DLRL 2020. This is a prestigious annual event organized by the 3 major machine learning reaseach institutes in Canada: MILA (Montreal), Vector (Toronto) and Amii (Alberta), all brought together through CIFAR. Overall impression I was impressed by the number of women on the lecture panel and the number of women attending the event.

Dividing lines: discritizing contineous scales for our ease

... because it has bothered me for over 10 years now ...

Dividing lines: discretizing contineous scales for our ease Dividing lines in University: Throughout my education, I tried to have a large scope of anything I do. The “Big Picture” matters to me and I usually define broad lines; the What?, the Why?, and the How? are always scrutinized ahead of every task. I have also always believed in grey zones and multi-disciplinarity. My undergraduate degree was in Biochemitrsy, a field that is at the borderline between Biology and Chemistry.

My Field of Study: Chromatin Architecture

... What I really do ...

My Field of Study: Chromatin Architecture My research career has involved multiple different fields and countless questions. My area of expertise though is that which I worked on for the larger part of my PhD: Genomics. Specifically, my PhD thesis examined genetic aspects of the development of an aggressive brain cancer, Glioblastoma. Much of my PhD work remains to be published. It involves looking at DNA folding or chromatin architecture.

Research Science, Med. School & Engineering

... because Ground 0 is the root of it all ...

Research Science, Med School & Engineering I was always fascinated with Science. The Why and How intrigue me. As a child, I would sit and watch toy mechanisms to draw out how they function and would disassemble broken toys before discarding them to see what they contained. The research scientists with their white lab coats and pipettes were an image I often romanticized. I knew at a very early age that I’d be a researcher, to the disappointment of my parents who like most other arab parents, prefered professions like Medicine or Engineering.

Customizing Server Welcome Message

... bcz the little details matter ...

Customizing Server Welcome Message I recently set up a home server as a small project to keep me sane during the COVID-19 social distancing period. I have been slowly customizing it to my liking to have a fully functional server that I can host files on and to learn a thing or two about Linux Sys Admin tasks. I wanted to customize the text that gets printed out when you first log into a server.